Welcome to iWitnessed --> iRemember, a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that works to connect our current generation with the Greatest Generation, the brave men and women who fought and won World War II.  Our unique videos and interviews deliver a first-hand account of life during World War II, our service projects support all those currently defending our country, and our innovative programs  - including our Signature Experience and our Rosie Initiative - remind teenagers everywhere that they, too, can make history, just like the teenagers that won World War II.


iWitnessed --> iRemember ("iWiRe") already has been enjoyed by thousands of students and their families, has been featured by Virginia's World War I and World War II Commemoration Commission, and may be perfect for your school or your organization -- or for anyone seeking eyewitness accounts of the everyday American heroes who, working together, won World War II.  To learn more, take a look at our programs below, or, to view some of our recent events, click here

Want to learn more about iWitnessed --> iRemember?  Check out our Facebook page!

Questions?  Feel free to email us at iwitnessed.iremember@gmail.com